Friday, September 24, 2010

The Song that Describes my Life Right Now

For at least three reasons.

1. The first verse ("My friends from high school married their high school boyfriends/Moved into houses in the same zip codes where their parents live/But I, I could never follow") is spot on, and something I've been thinking about a lot lately, having moved back in with my parents. We'll call this a temporary lapse in awesomeness. Or at least, temporary loss of independence.

And this is in no way a negative judgment on my friends who have married their high school sweethearts and stayed around, more a profound envy that they seem to have things figured out while I'm on my seventeenth attempt at the real world.

2. The simple, the obvious, and the inspiration for the blog title: I always take the long way everywhere. Despite having a pretty good sense of direction (or maybe because of it?), I inevitably opt for the unnecessarily drawn-out route. This has always been partly to avoid being obscenely early for wherever I'm headed, partly out of liking to take the long way, and partly for lack of anything better to do. This is a metaphor for my life, take note.

3. The line "Well I never seem to do it like everybody else" practically screams "Tally."

4. Banjos are awesome.

So, here goes. A not-quite-fresh not-quite-start; I'm going to try to make a real live blog for your entertainment, to keep you posted on my life, to have something to do, and to practice writing, since it's one of very few things I'm good(ish) at.

I promise to
- update frequently, but not so frequently that I have nothing to say when I update;
- try to be funny, but not try too hard, because that just makes people sad;
- actually plan, draft, and revise blog posts with structure and purpose, rather than just take 10 minutes to ramble about whatever the eff I'm up to (starting with the next one, I swear); aaaaand
- stay well hydrated. Because it's important.


  1. Not everybody who marries their high school sweetheart has things figured out.

  2. From what I hear, nobody really does. Still, you've at least got part of the equation worked out. I'm still trying to find my calculator.

  3. My parents have moved their zip code and I still follow them. Who's fucked up now. P.S. if you come visit me again once you get back I can promise you another Indiana Tourism email update and a properly bartended (aka not designed to make you vomit) party with the gays. I know you've visited me more than another other friend combined, but ....I'm bribing you.

    P.S. Crispy was a delightful dish when he came to visit. Bring him too. Put him in your purse. The gays still want to meet him.
